令和7年度4月 大学院入学予定の方へ(春季)「Better Co-being社会を切り拓く異分野共創型博士イノベーター育成プログラム」「AI分野を先導する異分野融合型グローバル博士人材育成プログラム(Guide4AI)」募集に関する情報を掲示しました。
R6年度より、博士後期課程及び博士課程への進学意欲の向上並びに高度な研究能力を備えた博士人材の育成を図ることを目的として、「Better Co-being社会を切り拓く異分野共創型博士イノベーター育成プログラム(Guide4AI)」を実施しています。
2月14日(金) ? 3月3日(月)正午まで
【Kumamoto University】Information on the start of the application process for the Doctoral Student Support Program
At Kumamoto University, we are providing support for doctoral students to create an environment where they can focus on their research and to help form careers after completion of their studies. This support is possible with funding from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and their Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (SPRING) program.
Starting in April 2024 our aim is to further improve the motivation to enter doctoral study and the fostering of doctoral candidates with advanced research capabilities. To achieve this, we implemented the “Program for Fostering Innovators to Lead a Better Co-being Society” (the Better Co-being Program).
Kumamoto University was also selected for the :Next Generation AI Human Resources Development Program: (the :BOOST Program:) implemented by JST and we have implemented the “Global Doctoral Human Resource Development Program for Leading the Field of AI” (Guide4AI Program) with the aim of fostering outstanding doctoral talents in interdisciplinary areas, with AI as the core subject.
The program will conduct a recruitment of program students for AY2025. For more information, please visit the 【Website】.
【Application Period】
Friday 14th February – Monday 3rd March, 2025 by 12pm
URL : https://higoprogram.jp/en/bettercobeing_english/
【Subject of application】
Those who are expected to enroll on April 1, 2025 in the doctoral program of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Health Sciences, or Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, or in the 4 year doctoral program of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences or Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at this university.
(This includes those who have taken the entrance examination for admission to these programs starting April 1, 2025, and are waiting for the results, as well as those who are planning to take the entrance examination.)
Please note that this will be the only time the Kumamoto University Doctoral Student Support Program will be accepting applications for students entering in April 2025,Please keep this in mind.
国立大学法人熊本大学 大学教育統括管理運営機構 大学院課程教育推進部
daigakuin-kyoiku[AT]jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp ※ [AT] を @ に書き換えてご使用ください。